AMG has installed the latest version of the SWM software (1.1.2) at IGO Nova Operations.
“Schedule Work Mate (SWM) has evolved from a solid desktop version into a highly functional online tool which has significantly reduced the time required to compile the weekly processing and maintenance schedules. Efficiency gains of 25 – 30 hours per week for the planning team are typical and all stakeholders are impressed with the level of clarity and high degree of information displayed through the dashboard and hyperlinks.”
Richard Bradbury – Senior Maintenance Planner, IGO Operations
Previously the team were exporting from Pronto into Project, modifying data importing back into Pronto plus manually updating individual work orders – SWM online has enabled the team to compile weekly schedules with levelled resource levels within the online platform. The KPI suite captures and reports quality metrics inclusive of feedback providing real time information on deviations to the scheduled week, break in tasks and proposed actions. SWM online is a proven paradigm shift for planning and execution teams to increase productivity, morale and effective utilisation of resources while decreasing the reliance on labour intensive manual data input.